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Sunday, May 20, 2012

Life in 2012

Yikes... Been over a year since my last post! 
Well I don't have a lot of people following so no big deal. Alright, things that are new in life: 
Dennis has the summer off from school, and come this June he will begin to shadow Physician Assistants, but still working at Happy Sushi and Takara Sushi. He is just enjoying being off for a bit, playing some tennis and plenty of video games...ugh! 
As for me: 
I am working full time at Dr. Doug's pediatric dental office. It has to be the best job in the world! I've worked there since last April, and it's such a wonderful place to work and I very much enjoy working with Doug and his wife Melody. Everyday if full of laughter and so much fun! 

I am working at Takara sushi as well. Blah! I range about 45-55 hours a week, between the two jobs. 
I don't really get exhausted from dental assisting, but Takara takes a tole on me. 
It's very stressful, a very big language barrier with the sushi chefs as well as the owners. 
It seems like most of the time I end up working by myself there, and it can get really busy. It's just a very stressful job, and nobody wants to work extra or wants to help out. I don't blame them, because if I'm asked to work, it's the very last thing I want to do! I'm contemplating quitting or if possible just work once a week. 

Other news, my really good friend Amy is getting married in July! She asked me to be her maid of honor! Such an honor, I know that sounds corny, but it means the world to me that she asked! I'm so excited for her and her fiance Mike! Amy and I have been good buddies since 7th grade. We had a great group of friends, but as we all went to Mountain Crest, we all got into separate groups. But of all of the girls in that old group, I definitely stayed the closest to Amos! She asked me to even take pictures for bridals! I hope I'll be able to do her beauty justice! 

Another thing that I'm up to is babysitting my great friend Courtney's baby! TAYSON! Seriously one of the most adorable babies in the universe! I've been babysitting him once a week since he was about two months old!  Now he is almost 15 months old. Still not walking but he moves like crazy! Best part of it is that he loves me! I sure do love that little monkey! 

Ah ha, I forgot to mention that we moved from our tiny old apartment! We now live in a two bedroom apartment. Much better! But we really miss our old ward, our new one is great though. 
It's a lot better space for our baby, LOKI! Let me just tell you about our kitty LOKI. Just so you know Loki means God of mischief. What were we thinking?! He fits the title and more. He is an all black cat (I've wanted an all black cat forever). He is so fun loving and you have to pet him a specific way or else he'll bite! He sleeps with us every night but don't worry because he'll wake up around 4 AM and meow and go crazy and jump all over the room. In our other apartment we didn't let  him out because we live on a very busy street and as much as he is crazy, I do not want him to get ran over! So now he is an outdoor/indoor cat! He loves to be outside! He loves his papa Dennis! Man does he love him! When Den would stay up late studying for finals, Loki made sure to keep him company by sleeping in his lap! 

Well that should kind of catch us up for the year, perhaps it may be another year until I post again. No babies yet so we are still just a boring married couple. I know last year we said a year, but were just so young and we need to have fun together first. Probably two years, but we'll see, you just never know :) 
Ah! My oldest brother and his wife are pregnant! I'm so excited for them!!!!! I'll be a real aunt! 
Anyways until next time!

Thursday, March 31, 2011

A view of our week

Monday: Den has school 8:30 chemistry, 9:30 Genetics 2:30 Math
Meg works usually anywhere from 4 to 6 and stays late. Blah.

Tuesday: Den has Genetics at 9:30 Work schedule is subject usually 4:30
Meg usually babysits the cutest family at 9:30 til about 5:30 then everyotherweek works at Rue 21 5:30 til 10.

Wednesday: Den has chemistry genetics and math and possibly works( usually 3-4 times a week)
Meg (THE WORST DAY OF THE WEEK) Works free pie night. Sigh. Usually never makes 10% in tips ever that night, especially when you are bending backwards for people. I need to take a class or something on Wednesdays.

Thursday: Den has Genetics and takes a chemistry recitation thing. Perhaps will work tonight. Today he is.
Meg: USUALLY HAS FREEDOM! Today i plan on going around the valley to look at good spots to take photos for engagements and ect. If I have a day off I always will go hang out with my Mommy :)

Friday: Den just has Chemistry and Math, he usually always works friday or saturday. good money those days :)
Meg: ALWAYS works the weekend :( But fridays are good money shifts actually the best. But mostly likely wont get home til past midnight. sigh...

Saturday: Den sometimes works lunch at Happy or Takara which is at 11:00
Meg will always work Saturday nights :( ha but if i'm one of the first off's i get off at about 7:00!

Sunday: Church! 11:30. But I must admit it is very hard to make it after closing on a saturday night. You dont get home til 3:00 AM. So most of the time we only make it to Sacrament which is the last block for our ward. at 1:15. We love our ward though! Very great people!!!

Things I wish I could change: I wish that I could work mornings instead. So I can make dinner for my best friend aka my husband! :) Also now its literally impossible for my body to go to sleep before midnight. Because most of the time thats when i get home from work. I really like village inn, love the people, make desent money but i just hate hate hate being there so late and i hate hate hate hate hate hate WEDNESDAYS! Anyways thats my rant.

Hopefully things can get better. I feel like I'm always working. But need to get my hubby through school.
Anyways Have a good day :D

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Some things NEVER change!

When I want to clean, I wont just do the dishes...I want to organize and make our house look pretty as well.  Unfortunately this doest not happen enough! At least when I do want to, stuff does get done!
Wow. Like the title says... some things never change. It may be a mess but ask me to find something specific and I'd know exactly where to find it. This probably became a bigger problem because I have worked in retail for too long! 
Pretty descent right? To its left is some pillows and blankets. Not too shabby. The brown blanket over the curtains is to block out the sun, the curtains are yellow making it seem like the sun is brighter! Hence the brown over them. Ghetto? Maybe. 
I had this picture hung up in my room when I was around 9 years old. Then my mom had it at my grandmas, and now that I'm all grown up and such I have obtained it back in to my life! 

The people who lived here before must have put that up. Dennis says it to me almost every night <3 but in a silly voice of course

Do you get the feeling that I love Paris and the Eiffel Tower yet? I am in love with that style. But this is basically my living room. With some of our tax return money i'd love to style it even more! I really enjoy making our house into a home :~) 
This is in our entry room or dinning room, not sure exactly what kind of room it is. I'm terrible, I don't have a picture in that frame, how lame am I? *that rhymed hehe*

 Den's Mama Suzanne gave me this last Christmas. I love it, it's a great saying to live by.
 That looks about right. Our table, with Den's school stuff all over and just stuff that we throw on there!
This computer cabinet contains a computer that doesn't work or either we just don't use it. I am not sure. All it is to me is something that I can put decorations on! I found that "I will follow God's Plan" at the DI for like 2 dollars. Oh ya bargain shopper! *Please note that almost all my decorations are under 15 or less*
Into the kitchen now...
 Proof that I do the dishes! 
 New decorations for the bathroom, it was very boring before. 
 Man I cant help myself to decorate even in my TINY bathroom. The joys of the first apartment, right?
 My best friend IsaBelle made this for me a long time ago. Thanks Izz, coming in handy now!
This was taken on my endowment day! We showed Grandma Bonnie and Ralph our home! 
197 N 200 E Apt. #1 :~)
So call me a dork but I absolutely love Fairys. Love them so much. Especially Tinker Bell. Years ago my Mama and I discovered Faerie Glen Faeries. I was smitten. So for Valentines day  this year my wonderful husband so kindly ordered the front three that you see. (they discontinued them) The best husband ever! 

Anyways this is life lately. Its been a while but with out any little ones currently or on the way its tough to keep up because life quite frankly isn't too exciting. I love my husband very much and  am so thankful that I married my very best friend. He is my rock. Times are hard just because of school, work, financial but I wouldn't want this with anybody but you Dennis Glen Martineau. I Love You. Thank you for loving me too. I always can feel it. 

Monday, February 7, 2011

Nice night to snuggle and watch the Bourne movies!

I made Brownies too! Today was a pretty good day, got a lot of grocery's bought, got my hair colored back blonde! (YAY!) Although its not perfect I am happy its not brown anymore! Oh oh oh and I made dinner!! Can you believe it? I'm still amazed by myself! Made pot roast with carrots, potatoes, and onions. Veggies weren't too shabby but the roast was a little dry. Any suggestions? All my many many viewers ;) I have been working real hard to get our blog to where I'd like it but I think blogs are most interesting when you have children. We are waiting probably at least one more year, I am very baby hungry but Dennis says we can go on vacations for now :) pretty good alternative I think! We are hoping to go on a cruise by the end of this year! Boy do we need a vacation. Den is working hard with school and I am just emotionally drained from silly people at my work. Plus we are more than ready for wonderful tropical weather! Oh yeah, about  the movies! I'd never seen the Bourne Identity movies so Den bought all three in a pack! We started the first one last night and I really enjoyed it, cant wait to finish it though. That is what we are up to! Wish our life was more exciting so we'd have more followers and all but for now this will have to be for my own entertainment! Thanks for reading!

Blogs are a lot more fun when there is pictures to view :) this is one of my favorites from our wedding. Probably more to come. 

Sunday, January 30, 2011

It has been awhile!

It's almost the end of January already! Spring time come early please!!! Christmas came and passed already and my stinkin cute husband spoiled me rotten! That last post about the camera... yeah he got me one the turd! So I'm going to probably start taking photos and try and start a portfolio going, doing free family photos, bridals, wedding, the works till I can get it going :) Dennis is in school taking hard classes as usual except for his math he is breezing through it! Yay! I unfortunately am not going to school but I'm not sure what I'd like to do besides photography! Here is all what I'd enjoy doing: Education, Elementary or High School, Perhaps Dental Hygiene (kinda had a bad experience with the whole assisting part so we'll see), Nurse, and a MOMMY!! Geez so many tough decisions to make! Just got to pray about it and see what is right is probably what will help most!

Monday, November 29, 2010

Photography ...how lovely it would be

So for quite a long time I have wanted to be a photographer! When I was a Sophomore in high school, I took a digital photography class and I absolutely loved it! I had a little NIKON digital camera, it took the most beautiful pictures! I am on the journey of buying a NIKON camera, a very nice one that will take beautiful pictures. I love taking pictures, I just hope that one day I could do it as a profession! THAT WOULD BE LOVELY! I especially loved taking photos of flowers, some of them were UNREAL. I hope to take pictures of couples and family's and have that same affect. This is my ultimate dream as of for now. Hopefully soon it can be reality.

So pretty.
Now I just need a really good idea for my photography. If you have any ideas, please tell me (: 

Monday, November 22, 2010

Thanksgiving Time! Then Black Friday Time!!!

This week is the week of thanksgiving! How wonderful to reflect on a time where we can be grateful for the blessings we have and the wonderful friends and family around us. This year we are spending Thanksgiving with my family (Beutler family). Last year we went to park city, Dennis and I had been dating a month but we both knew for sure we were going to get married by then! It was fun to get to know more of his family there. He of course knows my family maybe a little too well already.

 But I'm excited this year to be with my family again, and not to mention an addition of my oldest brother Terrill's fiancĂ©e Tori!! She fits in the family very well and I tease my mom that she already loves Tori more than me!  

Arent they so cute? They were probably friends just as long as Dennis and I have known each other! Looks like the Beutler kids need to know their future spouses for a long time! Sorry mom he he he 

Here is a list of things that I am grateful for: 
*A house that has such cheap rent for us to start out with!
*A loving family and support that they give
*My adoring amazing wonderful husband whom i love so so so much!
*Black friday shopping :) 
*LDS church, tis amazing even if my brothers dont think so too much
(much more most definitely!)

Here is what Dennis is thankful for(this was not easy to get him to do):
*A loving silly wife 
*A merciful Savior 
*Pecan pie :) 
*My dog Tyson
*My awesome family, new, step and old. 

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

The dreaded FREE PIE NIGHT

Tonight at work is going to be quite scary and not so hot for my anxiety...! Free pie with any purchase... somebody shoot me! Village Inn needs to stop this night because i fear it will kill me! Other news, Dennis is being very naughty and skipping chemistry, I'm going to slap his hand! Just the other day we went to buy some new garments and while we were there i saw a red scripture marker... Dennis got me new scriptures with my new beautiful name on it. They are sooo beautiful plus they are GRYFINDOR colors :) but how ridiculous, i've yet to mark them.... Hopefully this week i can find some time and start marking them!!! anyways thats whats new as of now! xoxo 

Friday, October 22, 2010

Working again

As some of you know I was working in a dental office, I LOVED what I was doing but not who I was working for. It was a hard experience to be left somewhat jobless for about three weeks with the exception of Rue 21 but very limited shifts were offered. The worst part of it is that I'm with silly habits now, such as sleeping in ridiculously late, staying in our comfy bed for a few hours instead of doing the dishes. I think today I want to break the habits and in with the new! I should go do the dishes and clean the house, get ready for the day! I just need that extra push! Village Inn only offers me night shifts which will make this habit hard to break....but theres nothing to it but to do it!! xoxo

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Newly Weds

So far thus being married the most common question is "how is marriage life!?!"... ITS GRAND! We live in a little apartment in Logan, rent is cheap which is very nice! Den is working at Takara Sushi and is a full time student. He is NOT loving in his calculus class! I was on the job search for a while and now i'm working at .....Village Inn as a server! I've worked only a few days so far and guess what? I love it so far! I almost hope for it to be long term because i enjoy it so much, but I might be jumping ahead:) We've almost been married for four months now, time flies when your having fun! xoxo