cblotb design

Monday, November 29, 2010

Photography ...how lovely it would be

So for quite a long time I have wanted to be a photographer! When I was a Sophomore in high school, I took a digital photography class and I absolutely loved it! I had a little NIKON digital camera, it took the most beautiful pictures! I am on the journey of buying a NIKON camera, a very nice one that will take beautiful pictures. I love taking pictures, I just hope that one day I could do it as a profession! THAT WOULD BE LOVELY! I especially loved taking photos of flowers, some of them were UNREAL. I hope to take pictures of couples and family's and have that same affect. This is my ultimate dream as of for now. Hopefully soon it can be reality.

So pretty.
Now I just need a really good idea for my photography. If you have any ideas, please tell me (: 

Monday, November 22, 2010

Thanksgiving Time! Then Black Friday Time!!!

This week is the week of thanksgiving! How wonderful to reflect on a time where we can be grateful for the blessings we have and the wonderful friends and family around us. This year we are spending Thanksgiving with my family (Beutler family). Last year we went to park city, Dennis and I had been dating a month but we both knew for sure we were going to get married by then! It was fun to get to know more of his family there. He of course knows my family maybe a little too well already.

 But I'm excited this year to be with my family again, and not to mention an addition of my oldest brother Terrill's fiancĂ©e Tori!! She fits in the family very well and I tease my mom that she already loves Tori more than me!  

Arent they so cute? They were probably friends just as long as Dennis and I have known each other! Looks like the Beutler kids need to know their future spouses for a long time! Sorry mom he he he 

Here is a list of things that I am grateful for: 
*A house that has such cheap rent for us to start out with!
*A loving family and support that they give
*My adoring amazing wonderful husband whom i love so so so much!
*Black friday shopping :) 
*LDS church, tis amazing even if my brothers dont think so too much
(much more most definitely!)

Here is what Dennis is thankful for(this was not easy to get him to do):
*A loving silly wife 
*A merciful Savior 
*Pecan pie :) 
*My dog Tyson
*My awesome family, new, step and old.