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Sunday, May 20, 2012

Life in 2012

Yikes... Been over a year since my last post! 
Well I don't have a lot of people following so no big deal. Alright, things that are new in life: 
Dennis has the summer off from school, and come this June he will begin to shadow Physician Assistants, but still working at Happy Sushi and Takara Sushi. He is just enjoying being off for a bit, playing some tennis and plenty of video games...ugh! 
As for me: 
I am working full time at Dr. Doug's pediatric dental office. It has to be the best job in the world! I've worked there since last April, and it's such a wonderful place to work and I very much enjoy working with Doug and his wife Melody. Everyday if full of laughter and so much fun! 

I am working at Takara sushi as well. Blah! I range about 45-55 hours a week, between the two jobs. 
I don't really get exhausted from dental assisting, but Takara takes a tole on me. 
It's very stressful, a very big language barrier with the sushi chefs as well as the owners. 
It seems like most of the time I end up working by myself there, and it can get really busy. It's just a very stressful job, and nobody wants to work extra or wants to help out. I don't blame them, because if I'm asked to work, it's the very last thing I want to do! I'm contemplating quitting or if possible just work once a week. 

Other news, my really good friend Amy is getting married in July! She asked me to be her maid of honor! Such an honor, I know that sounds corny, but it means the world to me that she asked! I'm so excited for her and her fiance Mike! Amy and I have been good buddies since 7th grade. We had a great group of friends, but as we all went to Mountain Crest, we all got into separate groups. But of all of the girls in that old group, I definitely stayed the closest to Amos! She asked me to even take pictures for bridals! I hope I'll be able to do her beauty justice! 

Another thing that I'm up to is babysitting my great friend Courtney's baby! TAYSON! Seriously one of the most adorable babies in the universe! I've been babysitting him once a week since he was about two months old!  Now he is almost 15 months old. Still not walking but he moves like crazy! Best part of it is that he loves me! I sure do love that little monkey! 

Ah ha, I forgot to mention that we moved from our tiny old apartment! We now live in a two bedroom apartment. Much better! But we really miss our old ward, our new one is great though. 
It's a lot better space for our baby, LOKI! Let me just tell you about our kitty LOKI. Just so you know Loki means God of mischief. What were we thinking?! He fits the title and more. He is an all black cat (I've wanted an all black cat forever). He is so fun loving and you have to pet him a specific way or else he'll bite! He sleeps with us every night but don't worry because he'll wake up around 4 AM and meow and go crazy and jump all over the room. In our other apartment we didn't let  him out because we live on a very busy street and as much as he is crazy, I do not want him to get ran over! So now he is an outdoor/indoor cat! He loves to be outside! He loves his papa Dennis! Man does he love him! When Den would stay up late studying for finals, Loki made sure to keep him company by sleeping in his lap! 

Well that should kind of catch us up for the year, perhaps it may be another year until I post again. No babies yet so we are still just a boring married couple. I know last year we said a year, but were just so young and we need to have fun together first. Probably two years, but we'll see, you just never know :) 
Ah! My oldest brother and his wife are pregnant! I'm so excited for them!!!!! I'll be a real aunt! 
Anyways until next time!

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